
A limited amount of the first 4 day festival passes has now been released at an Early Bird price. They give access to all shows (unless otherwise stated) during Clandestino Festival 4–7 June 2020.

Ordinary price for a 4 day pass is 795 SEK. Early bird prices are changing every month; December (495 SEK, sold out), January (545 SEK), February (595 SEK), March (645 SEK), April (695 SEK), May (745 SEK) and June (795 SEK).

For tickets to Club Clandestino see links below:
Jerusalem in My Heart + Kali Malone + Lucretia Dalt 6 March Folkteatern
Lula Pena + Lea Bertucci 25 March Folkteatern
Alex Zhang Hungtai 1 April Oceanen
Vanligt Folk 11 pril Oceanen
Onipa 9 May Oceanen

With a festival pass there’s a 25% discount on concerts before the festival at Oceanen in Gothenburg. Use code “CLANDESTINO2020”.