#Dysturb is a network of professionals driven by the desire to make information freely accessible through the occupation of urban spaces. It was co-founded by Pierre Terdjman and Benjamin Girette and defend an editorial line free from commercial influence. They are also commited to not damaging public spaces by using water based adhesive.
Pierre Terdjman is a photo-journalist who has worked for the Israeli daily left wing newspaper Haaretz. In 2007, he returned to France to join Gamma agency. He has covered the post-election violence in Kenya, the Russian-Georgian conflict, Afghanistan (where he spent a year following a French unit), and Haiti after the earthquake. More recently, he photographed the Arab Spring, covering both the fall of Ben Ali in Tunisia, Mubarak in Egypt and the struggle for liberation against Gaddafi in Libya. He is also documenting the fall of the Israeli dream in a long term project called “La La Land”. Earlier this year, he won the Lens Culture Award for a picture from his work in Central African Republic. His photographs are regularly published in Paris Match, GQ and The New York Times Magazine.
At Clandestino Talks Pierre will speak about the collective #dysturb’s photo-gerrilla operations as well as his own work around the world. During the night between the 5th and 6th of June somewhere in Gothenburg one of #dysturb’s famous operations may take place. It is of course top secret, but keep your eyes open…