Monthly Archives: February 2018

Swan Meat


Reba Fay, även känd som Swan Meat, är en poet, producent och kompositör från Washington, DC. Elektroniskt noise och hittade ljud som exempelvis rytmen från hjärtmonitorer kombineras med berättelser om självupplevd kronisk sjukdom i henne verk. Recensenter har beskrivit några av Swan Meats EP:s som gränslösa hybrider mellan konceptuell konst, musik och spoken word. Eller som att ta syra på ett swingersparty.

Under uppväxten låste Reba Fay in sig och övade gitarrspel, seriekopplade effektpedaler och byggde om sin förstärkare i jakten på allt extremare ljud att tonsätta sina dikter med. Hon kämpade med sjukdomen bulimia nervosa och i samband med läkarundersökningar började hon spela in egendomliga ljud i sjukhusmiljön och inkorporera i ljudkollage. Som kvinna i vad hon då upplevde som en manlig konstform tvivlade Fay på sin förmåga att ta steget till att verkligen bli sin egen producent, men det ändrades snart när hon kom till insikten att många av de intressantaste nydanarna – från Hildegard von Bingen till Pauline Oliveros – faktiskt var kvinnor. Hon studerade programmering och började tillverka egna plug ins för musikproduktion och så öppnade sig en ocean av möjligheter för hennes skapande.

Orchestre Les Mangelepa


1970’s Nairobi became a magnet for musicians from far and wide in Africa. It wasn’t long before the city was home to both the continent’s best studios, vinyl presses and hundreds of thriving stages for live music. Dressed to the nines in platform shoes and backed by three singers, exhilarating guitars and a brass section, Orchestre Les Mangelepa became a recognized musical phenomenon in the Kenyan capital. The group took the ongoing rumba revolution to the next level by fusing the grooves from their native Congo with the Benga sound from Lake Victoria and Chakacha from the coast. They’ve proudly played the best clubs and toured over large parts of the continent.

Despite their epic success, Orchestre Les Mangelepa is only now making their live debut outside of Africa. Their 2017 album Last Band Standing evidences a group arguably more explosive than in the olden days of Nairobi. The golden age of Rumba is alive and well, and this band is here to prove it.

Ellen Arkbro

Describing her work as reduced, slow blues music, Ellen Arkbro affords her compositions the time they require to blossom; the longest to date lasted 26 days! Electronic sounds, walls of abstract electric guitar and sumptuous sculptures of overtones vibrate in the air… somehow, it seems only logical that Ellen Arkbro has drawn inspiration from minimalist artist LaMonte Young’s Dream House, as much as from shoegaze legends My Bloody Valentine.

Throughout Arkbro’s music, a love for the physics of sound weaves itself in and out of waveforms both harmonious and dissonant. Her latest  album For Organ and Brass came out in early 2017 and was created in part using a German church organ from 1624, with meantone temperament (a different tuning than the today’s standard). The record features organ and brass instruments merging to form a rolling ocean of sound to dive into. At Clandestino Festival, Ellen Arkbro will play on the slightly more modernized  Masthuggskyrkan organ, inaugurated 1914, the same year as the church for which the instrument was named.